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How to have a successful studio session

2 December 2020

How To Have A Successful Studio Session.

A successful studio session gives you an extraordinary feeling, whether you have butterflies on your way home because of all clarity you gave while hitting the high notes or ringing your mate and telling them that your session was one for the books. Sounds rewarding, but hold your horses. Preparation favours success, without the correct approach your session might not be so blooming. Not to worry, follow my simple guide on how to have a great studio experience.

The basics 


It is vital to make notes of what your goals are for your session, for example, the progression of your track, the sound you're going for, how much you plan to do. Having a few jotted ideas down makes the producer/engineer's job more straightforward as they will have a clear idea of your objective. 


It is essential to have a spending plan to get the most out of your time at a studio. This simple step allows you to have complete control over the direct link you have to each session and how much you reap over each hour with your producer/ engineer.

Following Studio Rules

Respecting the studios' equipment is crucial as music gear is valuable and used by other members of the public. Taking a small amount of your time to tidy up will be very appreciated by the studio team.

Managing your time and sticking to the schedule is necessary because your producer/ engineer are busy people, they will usually have other clients on the way for a studio session or a well-deserved break.

The Nitty Gritty

Ask Questions About Your Session Beforehand!

It is your right when inquiring about your session. Especially if you're inexperienced in a studio because it's great to have as much knowledge as possible about relevant studio info such as the type of equipment there is available or what your producer/ engineer specialises in. 

Bringing your best version

Firstly, coming in well-prepared puts you at an advantage, taking the extra time before sessions to polish your vocals by practicing your harmonies, doing vocal warm-ups, and rehearsing your lyrics will save a large amount of time during your session. Secondly, make sure you are well fed and hydrated so that you have high energy during your session. Singing your heart out is tiring, be sure to carry something to eat and a bottle of water. Be on time! Knowing your directions to the studio is vital because you don't want to waste any precious time.

Live in the moment, try to stay phone free. Scrolling through Instagram every five minutes will not get you a hit record. You have invested in your musical career so make the most out of it!

Focus on engaging with your producer/engineer about your material and how much reverb you want, putting your phone on airplane mode will stop all of the beeps and buzzes and keep your eye away from the distractions.

Lastly, be self-assured. When it comes to your first couple of session's it probably won't be a walk in the park as practice makes perfect. Be optimistic and realise that you will get better. Take mental notes of your strengths and weaknesses after each session to be ten steps ahead, you will make immense progress.


Articulating yourself to your engineer is imperative. Asking questions to your engineer is important being confused about something in your session will not leave you with the best outcome, so whether that's asking about the techniques they are using on your material or what they think that you could improve on is key. 

Listen. Your engineer is experienced and has exercised their skills numerous times, they know what they're talking about, take on their advice, write down notes and I can guarantee that you will benefit from their advice.

To conclude, be patient, hopeful, and have good vibes. Music is and should be a carefree pleasant art form. The musical paradigm that you possess will change for the good. In the words of the late and great Bob Marley ''One good about music when it hits you feel no pain''.

Ready for your next session?

Get a tailored quote for your project and book a studio session today!

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